So, it has come to that time where something must be done.
I had a baby almost 11 months ago. My post baby body is something I should be proud of - my body made my baby and kept him safe for months! Unfortunatly, I don't feel this way. I have not 'bounced back' and definatly do not fit into my pre-pregnancy size 10 jeans.
My tummy took most of the damage. I went 15 days over and in that 15 days I gained ALOT of stretch marks and my skin stretched so much I thought it would split open.
Me at 41 weeks and 6 days. I cut my head off as I have a really pained expression on my face and look terrible. |
I have a sag… like a person who has lost a lot of weight rather quickly..the extra skin hangs off my tummy - I can literally tuck it into my pants. It looks hideous and I feel very ugly with it.
I also still have some "extra padding" mainly on my tummy too. I honestly feel really fat. Some of this needs to go. I have been having no success with exercise. I chase after my baby every day, take him on walks as well as running a household. I don't have the time nor money for the gym - and I believe you don't need to go to the gym, that most of it can be done at home. I have ruled out bike riding as I can't take my son. So walks it is.
I was at my doctors recently on another matter. The extra skin really has been getting to me, more then I would like it too. I mentioned this to my doctor is passing. I was hoping he would tell me that losing weight would get rid of it. Instead I was told that that during my pregnancy as my skin stretched it lost it elasticity and the only way to get rid of the extra skin would be a tummy tuck. Not what I wanted to hear. I won't be having a tummy tuck, no money for things like that.
The skin wouldn't bother me as much if it wasn't visible through clothes. I have been living in bigger tops, loose tee shirts and such. I would love to feel sexy again…So I have decided to eat more healthily (it's very easy just to snack when you have a baby) and try and up a bit more exercise with my little boy.
I'm not asking to become super star skinny - just to feel a bit more normal. I am super self conscious at the moment and think everyone is staring at me.
I do need to point out that I will not become one of those freakish people that never eats unhealthy - everything in moderation. I do tend to know, emotionally eat.. especially at night. This needs to stop.
I have been having healthy smoothies that I make. Basically fruit, a tad of traditional probiotics yogurt (not that fake sugary stuff) and some milk with chia seeds. So yum, especially berries.
Anyone got any tips or tricks for me - any quick and easy meals you care you share?