Back to the fillings, I had tooth decay under an older filling, so I had a bigger filling go in. By the next day I was in agony. I was waking up at night etc etc. I went back to the dentist who sent me to an endodontist where I had better x-rays taken of my teeth and his opinion. Well, it didn't show a lot of anything really. I thought the pain would go away but it didn't, although did lessen some.
I had 3 options;
Root canal (takes out the nerve of the tooth - after last time, I am a little scared of them)
Crown (but that may not work)
Now, I ruled out a crown. They are really expensive and it may not work. So I was left with RTC (root canal therapy) or extraction. Extraction = cheap, one appointment. RTC = expensive and 3 appointments.
The tooth is the very back on the top left (they call it the 2nd molar). I have a fully impacted wisdom tooth next to it, which I was told will need to be removed in the future and will probably damage my 2nd molar (my sore tooth) and I will need RTC or extraction.
I choose extraction.
Here is my tooth.
Goodbye Evil Tooth |
As I have had so many dental problems this year and been in for various things I thought I would tell you do's and don'ts when you go to the dentist.
1. Do not go to the dentist wearing lipstick or lipgloss. It will end up all over your face and your dentists gloves who will in turn end up getting it all around your mouth.
2. Do apply a clear lip balm. I use a Chap Stick and only use a think layer. This one is more matte than others which is good as it isn't slippery and you won't end up with clear slime all over your face. Peter Thomas Roth sells a true matte lip balm, which would be great for guys with chapped lips who don't want the shine.
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Don't wear heavy eye makeup or lipstick to a dental appointment or you may walk out looking like this. Image from google. |
3. Do wear deodorant. Think of the dentist and dental nurse.
4. Do not wear heavy perfume. Some people can be sensitive to it and you don't want the dentists/dental nurse eye's watering and sneezing when you are in the chair.
5. If you are going to be wearing mascara, make sure it is waterproof. If you get the needle, sometimes it causes your eyes to water - you don't want a black line running down your face. I would also avoid eyeliner under the eye as well. I actually don't wear any eye makeup to the dentist.
6. Wear you hair in a low pony tail or plait. Those dentist chairs are annoying. Most of the time my dental want me to tilt my head further back and if you wear a normal pony tail the hair bobble gets in the way and makes your head all uncomfortable. I suppose you could wear your hair out but I have very long hair and it would be in the way and would end up everywhere. Avoid a bun at all costs. It will give you a headache balancing your head on it! Trust me, I've made that mistake.
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My choice of hair style for a trip to the dentist. |
I will leave you with this...
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In all seriousness. Dental pain sucks. Make sure you go ever 6 month for a checkup! |