Thursday, July 5, 2012

My son

Ohhh Hi There.

I am well aware that I haven't posted an months.
What's happened in that time?

I had my gorgeous son. One day I'll write out my birth story...when I get the time and energy. His birth was hard, he was born no breathing and had some problems but now he is a wonderful 4.5 month old!!

I've wanted to come back on my blog for a long time now. I have decided to try and update weekly.

See you soon.


  1. Belated congrats on the birth of your son. My eldest son had to be resuscitated at birth, but he's now 4 years old and a strong and healthy little boy. Hope you've been enjoying the last 4.5 months of motherhood. It gets even better as they get old. :-)


    1. Thanks BB - good to know how healthy your son is now. I don't like shaky starts, he is fine now though *phew*. I do plan on enjoying.
